We want our customers to be feel comfortable planning a visit to our shops and hope this summary will help to address any questions of accessibility. We've broken info down pertaining to each location to help you feel informed for your visit.
Our spaces are not scent free as we house many candles and apothecary goods.
Transit + Parking Closest accessible Subway Stop is Dundas West station. There is paid street parking out front and free parking on the side streets surrounding the shop.
Entrance + Space We have a wide door at Roncesvalles and our entrance is flush to the sidewalk. Our Roncy store is quite tight but we have created aisles around the main tables that allow space for strollers and wheelchairs. Benches are added when we have more product, but these can be tucked under tables to make space during the less busy seasons. We are there to assist where we can. During the holiday season our store can be quite packed. We do offer local pick up or delivery on our website if coming in during the busy season is a challenge.
Bathrooms Our bathrooms are in our basement down a flight of stairs in our stock rooms so we can't offer access to customers. Reunion Island is a few doors south and has a main floor bathroom with an accessible entrance.
Transit Closest accessible subway stop is Pape Station. There is paid street parking out front and free parking on the streets surrounding the shop
Entrance + Space We have a stopgap ramp and are there to assist with opening the door. Our Leslieville space is quite spacious with lots of room to maneuver around tables and displays. We do offer local pick up or delivery on our website if coming in during busier seasons is a challenge.
Bathrooms Our bathrooms are in our basement down a flight of stairs in our stock rooms so we can't offer access to customers. Pilot Coffee is a few blocks west and has a main floor bathroom with an accessible entrance.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions to help plan your visit!